Machine Learning and Computation Statistics


This is a teaching partnership between the Africa Center of Excellence in Data Science at the University of Rwanda and the Institute of Applied Computational Science at Harvard University.

View the Project on GitHub onefishy/Rwanda-Data-Science

Week 5: What Next?

Opportunities in Machine Learning and Data Science

  1. Courses
  2. Annual Workshops and Summer Schools

In-Class Exercise: Today’s activity is an ideathon.

A hackathon is an intense 1 or 2 day event in which those working in tech (e.g. programmer, graphic designers, data scientists) work with domain experts to collaborate on software projects.

The goal of a hackathon is to create usable software or hardware with the goal of producing a functioning product by the end of the event. Hackathons tend to have a specific focus, for example, on solving a single real-life problem.

Find a hackathon near you:

An ideathon is like a hackathon wherein the participants focus on outlining solutions to real-life problems without implementing the solutions. The goal of an ideathon is to produce a concrete plan of action for solving a real-life problem at the end of the event. Read the following document to prepare for the ideathon:

Ideathon Document